One Hundred Years and Hope (2022) 『百年と希望』

Japan ranks 120th among 156 countries in the 2021 gender gap report. In a country ruled by the Liberal Democratic Party— running on austerity and neoliberal ambitions—for most of its postwar years, gender and economic inequalities have become increasingly acute in Japan. Takashi Nishihara, a filmmaker who has been following the youth protests in Japan notices that there is one party that seems to be raising issues of gender and economic in the political sphere—the Japanese Communist Party (JCP)—a party about to enter its hundredth year and consistently burdened by its historical connotations. Though an outsider of the party, Nishihara gained unprecedented access to the JCP and driven by his interest in the younger party members who find hope in the JCP, the resulting documentary goes beyond party politics and observes the current grassroots leftist movements in Japan. It also becomes witness to the larger and deep-seated patriarchal system that continues to quell momentums of hope.




本作の監督を務めるのは『わたしの自由について〜SEALDs 2015〜』の西原孝至。2010年代から日本の社会運動を撮り続けてきた西原監督は、人々や風景の中にカメラを構え、声を聞き、時に語りかけ、静かに被写体を見つめていく。新自由主義への疑問、ジェンダー平等、気候危機…この国の数多くの課題に対して、政治は何ができるのか。そして日本共産党の姿を通して、いまの日本社会が浮き彫りになっていく…。

世界的に、“ジェネレーション・レフト” (左派的な世代)と呼ばれる若い世代が生まれ始めているいま、新しい社会の可能性と、その希望について、本作は世に問いかける。

52nd International Film Festival Rotterdam, Harbour

14th DMZ International Documentary Film Festival, Asian Competition

第52回ロッテルダム国際映画祭 ハーバー部門

第14回DMZ国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭 アジアコンペティション部門


Sisterhood (2019)